Motorcycle Tyre Fitment Center

When riding a Motorcycle moreover then an any other motor vehicle your safety is part of the joy. The most crucial safety lies within your Motorcycle Tyres and Gear. We hear at MC Auto specialise in Motorcycle, MX, ATV, Quad and Enduro Tyres and Gear. MC Auto brings you a Full range of tyres for on road and off road bikes. We have a fully equipped workshop and qualified personnel with years of experience in the Motorcycle Tyre fitment industry. On request Special Orders may be arrange for all tyres, spares, and others motorcycle parts or gear. Special orders are finalised with your Quote being FULLY paid. If required Whatsapp or email your requests for a quotation.
An essential aspect for every ride consists of a visual inspection before every motorist begins his next ride or adventure based on tyre depth, tread, cracks, sidewall (also know as chicken strips), cuts, rubber, blobs or bulges, and nails or other objects. Every rider, should as a safety measure keep an emergency repair kit on hand.
MC Auto Tyre Fitment Booking and Terms & Conditions Disclaimer
"Honour, Love, Trust & Respect is Our Biker Culture"
All Motorcycles and their contents are left and placed for fitment at the owners responsibility and own risk. Neither the workshop nor staff shall be held responsible for any damage or claim made. We are a fitment centre with up to date equipment and staff with over 3 years of experience in tyre fitment, however it is the choice of the customer to have his or her Tyre fitted at our workshop facility.
We DO NOT and WILL NOT tolerate any VULGAR language towards our staff as we will not make use of such language. A first come first basis is applied and every customer is treated special.
During fitment customer may browse through the shop or enjoy our waiting area as their tyre is fitted, however should you wish to view the fitment of your tyre it is NON-NEGOTIABLE to remain Behind the orange cones at the workshop.
Failure to comply and adhere to these set terms and conditions will lead to immediate termination of fitment without compromise.
By completing this form with your Contact Details bellow one accepts the Terms and Conditions stipulated and accepts to comply with ALL these Rules and Regulations.
We Leave NO PAPER to Trail just Trails of MX Dust and your Trust!

This Form is for the purpose of protecting us and our staff and more over to assure you as the customer get the maximum customer services delivered by allowing our staff to perform their job in a maximised environment possible. This form exempts MC AUTO from all or ANY Liability that may arise. We will however always follow the highest professionalism in your tyre fitment.